When I found out I was going to have a baby, I had some many "ideas" and "convictions" about how I thought a good mom had to act, say or do. In fact, I had many things that I swore I would NEVER do.
February 3 all that changed.
I found that I would take any sleep I could get....even if it meant Baby J would sleep in his swing for 3 months.
I found that TV (usually Disney) although not a frequent babysitter, paired with an exersaucer is a welcome break when I am trying to cook, get dressed or clean.
I found that working fulltime is not really what I want. The "job" means very little compared to this extraordinary little boy.
I also found that, although not ideal, working fulltime is necessary. Damn bills :-)
I never thought I would feel guilty for giving my child formula. But I do...and let's face it, sometimes I need a break.
Speaking of breaks, I did not know how guilty I would feel when sneaking "me time"
I would NEVER call a babysitter several times- while my sweet slept- to make sure he was breathing....or have a panic attack that he would be missing me (again, in his sleep) and ending date night a bit early. Anyone related- ha!
I never anticipated falling more in love with my husband than I ever thought possible, each and every time I see him with our son.
I saw a quote somewhere (can't for the life of me remember- but I think it was Heidi Klum?) that said that their (meaning her and her husband's) love was so great, that it burst out of them in the form of their children. What a great way to think of kids- that you loved someone so much, that they are a product of love combustion. Something about that (I am sure I horribly butchered what she said, but still) makes me smile.
I have many wonderful, life enriching friends, but the fact is, I am the ONLY one with a child at the moment (Ok, one of my bf's had a sweet Baby Mac last week, but she lives 3 hours away...so I don't get to see her). I didn't know that I would need an outlet for these things. So I decided...that in addition to blogging, I am joining an evening MOPS group in Lex. Super excited about this! We will meet once a month, from 7-9 p. I think that this will make me a better mom and I hope I get to know others with wee ones too! I will post after my first meeting this Thursday.
Also- I decided to do a one month fitness boot camp for my birthday next month. Something about turning 28 calls for a ripped (albeit stretch marked) body, don't you think? More to come....
Park City Utah
2 years ago