Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random Musings

1. I may have gotten up to go to 6 am boot camp (go me!).

2. At said boot camp, at the end of class my instructor may have asked me if I was ok- she hadn't seen my face that red in a long time. I. wanted. to. drag. my. huffing. and. puffing. self. home. or in a small hole. Listen, at least my fat butt is there...and I am still alive (red face and all).

3. My son is so sick. His nose is stuffed up, running, he's coughing, hacking and crying for no reason. The hardest thing I had to do today was leave him at home. Granted, my husband and MIL are going to be with him, but still. So sad to see him so sick.

4. Speaking of sick, I have never seen a snot trail like that in his crib this morning. I realize its a TMI, but seriously, gross, gross, gross.

5. And that snot in his belly? Yep, threw that up on mom. That will show me to try to go to work.

6. I got all Christmas cards addressed last night. AND my sweet husband helped. He may be trying to sweeten me up for something- jury's still out.

7. Speaking of jury- I got called for JURY DUTY. Seriously? So, those in Fayette Co.- if you have committed a crime that calls for a jury trial- PLEASE plead guilty. I really don't want to participate in this civic duty. I mean, really? $12.50 a day, listening to horrible stories about things I turn off the news to avoid? No thanks, I'll pass, thankyouverymuch.

8. Boys, Boys, Boys. All my sweet preggo RL (real life) friends seem to be having boys. I can't tell you how exciting it is that J is going to have a group of friends to grow up with. I am about 50% positive (ha) that they will be taking over a frat in approx. 18 years. Watch out, UK. That's all I am saying.

9. Have you been to Pink Lou Lou's blog today? She may be my new fave read. I totally am cracked up by her posts and I am 100% sure she can read my mind. I mean, have I not mentioned how I am dying for Latisse but can't afford the $100 a month forever to maintain the luscious lash look? I am totally stealing the falsies tips she generated.

10. Update on my trouble with the law: I have entered into a Traffic Diversion program. With a one hour class, my proof of insurance, $150 money order and a mere 4 hours of community service, I will have the ticket expunged from my record...but the shame lives on....

11. I went out last week and bought 4 pints of Graeter's ice cream, a 6 pack...of cones and some chocolate topping for the bargain price of $20. So. Sad. To. Lose. My. Fave. Ice. Cream. Place. Hoping for a comeback though!

12. I would like to go on the record that I have eaten at least a cup each night since last Friday. Maybe that is why my face was so red and I was huffing and puffing through boot camp this morning? Lesson learned: Eat badly = fat butt = embarrassing moments at boot camp. I am really going to try this week. And by try, I mean I am not going to eat the entire batch of chocolate chip cookies I made last night and told myself I was going to bring to work (which I did not).

13. I may have gotten my mom the funniest gift ever for Christmas. Seriously. Hilarious. I will share as soon as I give it to her.

14. Can we all please pray for my SIL? She is the sweetest, most beautiful person and as she is approaching her 29th (er...) birthday (again), she really wants to find that special person (she may have him, we'll see!), get married and have children. I am really praying that all her dreams come true, because, well, she deserves it. I love you, C!

15. Finally, I am so thankful for the delicious eggs and turkey bacon my hubs cooked me this morning. After 2 cups of coffee this morning, consider my appetite supressed. Score 1 for me.

I did warn you this was random. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reading LIFOP!! I'll second your prayers for your SIL...I too have a SIL who's been searching for the same thing...keeping fingers crossed that both find what they are looking for!!
