Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is my most favorite holiday! I love the snow, the cold (although I am still missing the beach!) and general happy feelings I am overwhelmed with at this time of year.

Having Baby J this year makes a very special Christmas and I can't wait to tell him all about Christmas, Baby Jesus and of course, Santa Claus. I hope he loves everything about this holiday as much as me!

The K household doesn't really have a lot of traditions yet. Honestly, between my family being in WI and JM's about an hour away, we just split our time and chug through. I know once J is older, we will create traditions of our own, but for now, I will let you know my most cherished traditions that I grew up with and hope that they continue in my family!

So, here we go, Sallie's Christmas Tradition Countdown:

1. My dad's birthday is on Christmas eve. Every year, we go shopping. I know that this sounds crazy, heading out on Christmas eve to shop, but honestly every one is in such a GREAT mood in the stores and we just have a blast. Plus, it is the only day in the entire year that my dad shops. He only buys presents for my mom. The presents are usually: An entire outfit and perfume. Occasionally he throws in something different, piano sheet music or something of the like, but the other 2 are his tried and trues.

2. Breakfast at Hardees. Random, I know, but holds special memories for our family, as my dad used to take my sister and there when he would let us tag along to sit in his hunting stands. Hardee's was big back in the day and although they are a bit harder to find now, we still always end up here.

3. After shopping, we go to lunch. In my days of me living in WI, that would be going to Chili's, because it was my sister's favorite. We used to go to Chi Chis (A Mexican Restaurant) but they closed I think in the early 90s, so Chili's it was.

4. We are allowed to open one gift on Christmas eve. Always pajamas from Mom. You have to wear the pajamas that night so Santa will come. Yes, I am still 28 and yes, I still get pajamas. Except now I pick them out myself. And I added a super cute set for J to the list this year. This is a tradition I plan to keep up!

5. Christmas morning we open presents. We always hand out all the presents, then each take turn to open each one so everyone can oooohhh and ahhh over them.

These are just a few of our traditions- what are yours? Let me know some favorites so I can maybe use them as J gets older!


  1. My Dad still makes me set out milk and cookies for Santa....and then every Christmas morning I have to run out of my room and act excited when I see they've been eaten. He loves it.

  2. Chi Chi's! Oh, man I miss that place so much. Oh, but guess what Wikipedia just told me? "Chi-Chi's is still in operation in Belgium, Luxembourg, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Indonesia."

    Road trip!
