Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Random Quiz Day!

One of my best friends posted this, so I figured I would play along! Feel free to steal...

- What is your salad dressing of choice? I am a huge fan of the Ranch/French combo. Can I get an AMEN?!?!

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Currently spaghetti with butter and cheese.

- What are your pizza toppings of choice? Any veggies, minus onions

- Are you right-handed or left-handed? I'm a righty

- Have you ever had anything removed from your body? My tonsils, my wisdom teeth, and sometimes my pride.

- What is the last heavy item you lifted? My husband doesn't let the prego lift.

- Have you ever been knocked unconscious? I got hit in the face with a baseball in second grade because I was staring at Matt Rohde- playing on first. Sigh.

- If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? What a terrible thing to know. Why not just live like you will die tomorrow?

- If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I always wanted to be named Maggie.

- Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? At this stage in the game, no way. The baby would literally kill me.

- Last run-in with a cop? I fit several cops last week in boots- for my job :-)

- Last person you talked to? Jillian Baker. I love her so much!

- Last person you hugged? Also Jillian. We came, we lunched, we hugged.

- Favorite Season? Fall- my birthday AND the Packers!

- Holiday? Christmas. My dad's birthday is Christmas eve, so we always have an extra special reason to celebrate.

- Day of the week? Saturday!

- Month? I am pretty excited for February

- First place you went this morning? To work- not exciting, but true

- Do you smile often? Of course I do! I am so thankful for my implanted tooth! :-)

- Do you always answer your phone? No- I am in customer service, I deal with phone calls all day. But I ALWAYS call back...within a few weeks ;-)

- It's four in the morning and you get a text message who is it? No one would text me at 4 in the morning...but maybe my sister if she was on a bender?

- What flavor drink do you get at Sonic? I love the lo-cal diet cherry limeade. Delicious!

- What's on your wish list for your birthday? I already got an early present (Coach purse!) from JM's mom, but I am gunning for a matching wallet (hint, hint honey!)

- Can you do push ups? Yepper! I can still do them with this big belly!

- Can you do a chin up? That is a stretch. Nope.

- Does the future make you more nervous or excited? Excited AND nervous. Being a first time parent gives you a bundle of both.

- Ever been in a car wreck? A small rear end issue when I was 18, but otherwise, THANKFULLY no.

- Do you have an accent? It is an interesting mix of Wisconsin, Philly (from Mom) and Kentucky.

- What is the last song to make you cry? Tough Little Boys by Gary Allen (love him!)

- Plans tonight? Returning some tubs to Liquor Barn (for work), cooking chicken (bleh!), then resting.

- Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? I was a bit wild in college, but haven't gotten that old.

- Name 3 things you bought yesterday? I only bought a Sonic Lo-Cal Diet Cherry Limeade.

- Current worry? What if my child has something wrong with it? Is that (insert ache, pain, twitch) normal? What kind of parent will I be? Are we ready for this? (Insert irrational fear of parenting here...)

- Current hate right now? My wardrobe- nothing fits!

- Met someone who changed your life? I have met many people who have changed my life!

- How did you bring in the New Year? I think I watched some guy jump with a motorcycle on a building in Vegas...oh and kissed my hubby.

- What were you doing 12 AM last night? I was passed out for a good 2 hours by then :-)

- What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? I wish I had a few more hours to sleep!

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